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Violence Prevention in Schools in Perú

Violence prevention in schools in Peru (not only bullying), an ongoing project in collaboration with Inter-Cambio Institute, with a track record of success. We need help to reach more children at risk.

• Historical and social violence impacts society’s most disadvantaged majorities not only economically (World Bank, 2023); but also through multiple forms of psychological suffering.
• There is a wide array of literature that shows that emotional aspects, like trauma, mourning, anxiety and depression, interfere with learning. For example, UNICEF has carried out research according to which students that felt threatened by or scared of their classmates showed a worse performance in reading tests (UNICEF, 2020).
• We develop social projects: We offer interventions for institutions and communities affected by the lack of resources for mental health in our country. We have developed 13 projects of social interventions, working with up to 3,500 people.
• We research the relationships between mental health and social experience: We have produced several qualitative papers on the subjective aspects of social relationships in our country. These papers have been shared in international conferences, podcasts and books.
• As a result of the political instability, social unrest, and struggling economy we cannot rely on local governmental agencies for consistent help. Children are the primary casualties.
For more information about this project, please email:

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